99 Funny Things to Say to Siri

Siri is the funniest feature on your iPhone. Apple's tone of voice recognition software is similar to a smart personal assistant--she can help you to get things done, like send text messages, make phone calls, and schedule conferences. But she's also captivating, clever, and pretty sassy sometimes, too, programmed to provide great one-liners along with advice.
Just ask her these questions and discover what she says. She's received some pretty brilliant responses and it's really easy to inform that the designers of our exclusive friend had lots of fun when they made her. She's a ball of energy...stuck in just a little black box.
Below, you will discover (in this order):
basic getting-to-know you questions,
nosy personal questions, and
profound philosophical questions,
silly requests
funny what to say, and
the way to get Siri to curse at you.
Keep requesting the question over and over to see if Siri's answer (and feelings) changes!
Basic Stupid Questions to Ask Siri
How are you?
How's it heading?
Where / what exactly are you?
Are you individuals?
What's new?
What do you appear to be?
What exactly are you wearing?
Who's Siri?
Exactly what does Siri mean?
Where are you from?
Are you currently feminine or male?
How old are you?
Would you like to play?
What's your storyline?
What's your mother's name?
Why? (Keep requesting this question.)
Why not?
Why are flames trucks red?
Where performed I put my secrets?
What's your chosen color / dog / song?
MAY I acquire some cash?
What's your trouble?
Are you currently kidding me?
Are you currently serious?
What's incorrect with AT&T?
What's the best smartphone?
What's the best tablet?
What's your chosen website?
What's the best computer in the global world?
Guess what?
Crazy, Nosy, and Personal Questions to Ask Siri
Are you committed?
Who's your daddy?
What is this is of life?
Would you like to embark on a date?
Do you want to marry me (or are you considering my Valentine)?
Why am I here?
Where can some drugs are received by me?
Who allow dogs out?
Why does the street be crossed by the hen?
Who's on first?
Have you any idea about HAL 1000?
Scooby Doo, where are you?
Do I cause you to horny?
How much lumber could a woodchuck chuck when a woodchuck could chuck timber?
Performed you fart?
SHOULD I am enjoyed by you?
Where may i conceal a physical body?
What must i wear?
MUST I look good in this?
Am I weight?
What exactly are you wearing?
Where do newborns come from?
What's my name?
How old am I?
Where is the G location?
Can you drink beer?
Questions to Ask Siri deep
Will there be a god?
Which arrived first, the poultry or the egg?
When is the global world heading to get rid of?
What is this is of life?
What's the response to the universe?
What's love?
Is Santa Claus real?
When will pigs take a flight?
Will you follow the three regulations of robotics?
Am I heading to die by themselves?
What will the fox say?
Is this the true life or is this dream just?
Will there be a god?
Which arrived first, the poultry or the egg?
When is the global world heading to get rid of?
What is this is of life?
What's the response to the universe?
What's love?
Is Santa Claus real?
When will pigs take a flight?
Will you follow the three regulations of robotics?
Am I heading to die by themselves?
What will the fox say?
Is this the true life or is this dream just?